Noticeable changes
Took a longer walk this morning in really nice warm weather. Made one stop at UPS to drop off a parcel, one woman in there ahead of us talking with the man behind the counter. The man and woman were discussing one of the variations of the only real conversation point right now. Everyone’s got one thing on their mind, but conversation can split in a few different strands from the central topic. This particular topic captured a couple – how quiet it is generally, and what do you do in the evening? After a while you start to go to bed early..
The walk was actually quite eventful, more so than expected. As we passed Trader Joe’s supermarket, there was a line wrapped half way around the block and then right down to the bottom of the avenue. It’s hard to judge how many people were in the line given people applying social distancing but I’ve never seen anything like that, much least at 9am on a Wednesday. I don’t really understand it, the initial panic buying proved needless and we went food shopping on Saturday without an issue. There had been suggestions from city mayor of a more rigorous lockdown but that was quickly dismissed by NY governor.

Work has been incredibly busy today. With my tech client, demand has clearly been there for laptops as people adjust to new working environments and styles. For the first time since starting to work remote we started doing video conferencing instead of audio only. This was helpful in adding a new dimension to the day.
Social highlight of the day? The walk in the morning and then a short walk in the evening to buy some beer and watch Survivor then Shark Tank. Wednesday evening is normally our ‘date night’ – we try and keep it free every week to hang and do something together. Since it is Wednesday we ordered food in, first time for not cooking this week. It’s a small thing but it’s about trying to keep routine as usual as possible – making Wednesday feel different from other days.