Took a walk around the block after a couple of days inside, it’s so nice to feel the sun. Luckily the roads are pretty quiet so it’s possible to social distance by walking in the road but still at times feels like too many people are out.

I have a 9.30 video conference with either all of my team or just the managers everyday. Video conference is proving a great way to stay connected, even without any major updates everyone seems to appreciate keeping the 9.30 updates. I certainly do, helps keep some sense of normality.
Earlier this year I bought the Rivals of Catan, a two player “card game” edition of Settlers of Catan. Tried to play it tonight however didn’t realize until unpacking how complex it is. 9 pages of rules and potentially a large playing surface didn’t add up to what we expected. Ended up playing rummy instead, but it was nice to do something away from a screen in the evening.
Left over Chicken Parm and salad for dinner, with a homemade yoghurt sauce.