1. First day working remote
  2. We stay home and wait
  3. Stretching the legs & (some) social distancing
  4. Confirmation arrives, stocking up
  5. Finding routine in irregular times
  6. New challenges with the remote working
  7. Noticeable changes
  8. Finding a pattern
  9. COVID-19 Lock Down
  10. First week, check
  11. Weekend plans? You know stay away from people as much as possible.
  12. Game night as the pause begins
  13. Streets empty as everyone builds furniture and plays games
  14. Staying sane
  15. Keeping date night going
  16. Socializing remote
  17. Friday feeling? TGIF?
  18. House Parties not Street Parties
  19. Running in the rain
  20. Betting on unknowns
  21. Optimizing the lockdown life
  22. Community Support
  23. Virtual Social Closeness
  24. Friday night: Virtual Happy Hours & Games
  25. Four Weeks In
  26. Discovering the new exciting
  27. A Weekend Getaway in Quarantine
  28. Rain and games
  29. Looking for escapes
  30. Escape to the Country
  31. An upstate retreat for some ‘normalcy’
  32. Rediscovering New York as lockdown eases

The standing desk has given a completely different dimension to the day. Not only is it a nice break from sitting but it also means I can people watch out of the window. Being on the fourth US floor/third UK floor facing a large building I can’t see the street when sitting down. It’s like choosing a different seat in the office (sort of).

I mentioned how the social distancing is bringing people closer virtually, and this evening I had three virtual happy hours at work all around the same time. For one of them someone had organised a trivia game, it allowed upto 20 people competing individually but also as part of teams. So we had Analytics vs Search vs Social vs Planning, everyone’s individual scores were weighted to provide a team score. Add webcams on and it was a lot of fun, even if Analytics lost.

Danielle had ordered another game, Mancala, for us which we played in the evening with some Thai dinner (contactless drop off).

Tweet of the Day