Woke up today to the sound of a jack hammer outside the window. There was a time about a year ago where there was constant construction outside our apartment and waking us up early. However much we hated that, being woken early by that noise today felt like a little bit of normality.

Skyped with the whole family today for the first time, sounds like their smaller towns are doing a good at social distancing in general. However, today was the first day where NYC did a pilot of closing one of the main streets, Park Avenue. It extended six blocks from right outside our apartment with no traffic allowed on it. Perhaps it helped that it was rainy, but we took a walk and it was so nice and empty. The pilot is running through Monday but hopefully extended to more streets and beyond Monday.
Heard from another person today, Peter one of my managers in London. Now living in Seattle, he’s been working from home for four weeks. Interesting how extended it has been, but I think it hit Washington first/harder than NYC. There’s been a lot of conflicting information going around about potential quarantine for NYC today, typically falsely coming from Trump, contradicted by Cuomo and subsequently walked back in a Trump Tweet later.
For dinner I got Indian takeout, first time having Indian in a little while which was a nice treat. We had scheduled to jump on the House Party app with some of Danielle’s friends after dinner. It was our first time using the House Party app and it was fun – playing some trivia and a drawing game. I can see us using it more and more in the next few weeks. If you don’t have it yet, join in; if you have it, join me: https://houseparty.com/add/sampfox
Not sure what’s in store for tomorrow, if the streets are as empty as today, I might take a run.