Blog of Sam Fox

(Not page 3, popstar, politician, pornstar, or phoenix professional)



Caribbean, North America

Quarantine in Paradise

14 days in the Caribbean sun? Or, 14 days in the bitterly cold New York winter? Could be a hard choice, or no choice at all. In more ways than one!

I’d just dropped Danielle off at Heathrow and was on the way home when I realised I had a missed call from Danielle. My first thought was, did Danielle leave her passport? Or, maybe the flight was delayed/cancelled? But then wouldn’t there be more panicked signs? Multiple missed calls, a text message? Maybe it was a butt/pocket dial.  

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South America

Cartagena: The Great Escape

  1. Cerveza in Cartagena
  2. Cartagena: The Great Escape

All-inclusive beach resort or cultural city (with beach)? Danielle vs Sam. We wanted a mini New York getaway in the fall however the idea of what that getaway would be was less simple to decide. At somepoint the suggestion of Cartagena was raised, of recent blogging distinction (apparently) and growing in popularity. It offered sun, islands with beaches, a walled city with lots of history and culture to see. It ticked all the boxes, especially once we added in a boutique hotel with swimming pool.

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A Sampling of Sydney – Art, Beaches, Caves…Waterfalls

Sydney Opera House lit up at night

Sydney Opera House at night

I started a travel writing course late last year, one of the first assignments was to identify some potential ‘hooks’. Hooks are stories, events, key dates – something you can hang a story on to increase its relevance at the time of publishing. As I was scratching my head for some hooks I was also planning the trip to Australia.

While Melbourne became the main destination, Sydney had always captured my imagination and particularly Sydney’s Opera House. Thinking back as to why, firstly I remember watching NYE celebrations on the TV, Sydney always being one of the first countries to ring in the new year and so seeing all the fireworks go off with the Opera House in the foreground. Always leading the celebrations and a distinctive setting. Then, secondly, that distinctive setting, distinctive design, more so than a tower, a clock or a bridge and an existing part of the landscape – unlike a ball.

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