Blog of Sam Fox

(Not page 3, popstar, politician, pornstar, or phoenix professional)




A Sampling of Sydney – Art, Beaches, Caves…Waterfalls

Sydney Opera House lit up at night

Sydney Opera House at night

I started a travel writing course late last year, one of the first assignments was to identify some potential ‘hooks’. Hooks are stories, events, key dates – something you can hang a story on to increase its relevance at the time of publishing. As I was scratching my head for some hooks I was also planning the trip to Australia.

While Melbourne became the main destination, Sydney had always captured my imagination and particularly Sydney’s Opera House. Thinking back as to why, firstly I remember watching NYE celebrations on the TV, Sydney always being one of the first countries to ring in the new year and so seeing all the fireworks go off with the Opera House in the foreground. Always leading the celebrations and a distinctive setting. Then, secondly, that distinctive setting, distinctive design, more so than a tower, a clock or a bridge and an existing part of the landscape – unlike a ball.

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The Aussie Tour: Starting With Art

“You’re from Australia?”, the question from the cashier in the bank was perhaps understandable, I was after all talking about a trip to Australia and trying to exchange some US dollars to Aussie currency. It’s actually a surprisingly common question. Apparently the Australian and British accents have very subtle differences to the American ear. Unfortunately for the cashier the answer wasn’t so simple, “Nah, I’m British, living here, travelling there (Australia)”, “Oh!” was the slightly embarrassed reply.

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England, London, Manchester

6 bands, 3 gigs, a church and an offer (or two)

photo-empire-stateBeing without internet in my apartment means I’m having to write this blogpost from the office, however I’ve got the pick of the meeting rooms so am able to sit in a comfortable chair with the window open and views of the Empire State Building it could be worse. Especially after having just watched Man Utd win their second match on tour. However I don’t want to jump ahead of time, so more on the situation at present in a later post.

Having expressed my interest to my manager of going for the New York job, I then had to formally tell HR I would like to apply for the position. From that point until I received my offer the situation was in New York and global recruitment departments hands.

So the next step was to speak to the global team about the role and steps required. While this was all happening in work the benefit of finally living where I wanted in the city was paying off.

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