Blog of Sam Fox

(Not page 3, popstar, politician, pornstar, or phoenix professional)



New York, USA

New York in 75.5 hours, Part I

Sister Fox and I

Sister Fox and I

It’s been a while since I updated this, things have been very busy with work,also  now the winter has at long last dissipated most of my free time has been spent outside. I’ve started running, which ironically is why I was sat here writing this, nursing a calf strain. Every cloud though…so I now have time to get back to writing. Though it seems to have taken a couple of weeks to finish the post.

Last week was spent searching for a suit in Soho, my sister, Jo, gets married in June. I will obviously be flying back to attend, it’ll be the second time I’ve seen her and the family since I moved. The first time was back in September and therein lies my segue.

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New York, USA

Summer and Simon in the city

Sam and Simon on rooftop

My first visitor, Simon. Chilling in Brooklyn on a rooftop near Prospect Park

After an extended time in the UK to allow for a trip to Dublin for Justin’s wedding I’m back in New York. While I was back in England I made the most of the time there by visiting as many people as I could. Given the visitors I’ve had in New York there was an element of feeling like the host turned guest. However I’m going to focus back on being the host and the visitors I’ve had.

While I was in the London office several people mentioned they read the blog (thank you!) but I also received some feedback. My posts are too long apparently. This is understandable feedback though, I’m not great at being succinct and my posts are generally a lot longer than 140 characters. The analytics for the blog also shows less than 50% of people are viewing over 50% of the page. To address this I’m going to write a mini series of posts for each visitor. This post will feature my first visitor..

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